
Memberships are due on January 31, 2021.

Fees are 25.00$.  Payments can be made by e-transfer or cheque.  For the returning members who already has a membership card, stickers will be available for your card when the studio is open.  For new members, membership card will be available when the studio is open.  Memberships can also be  purchased anytime during the year.  Please contact the BAGSA admin by clicking here.

2021 Membership includes:

  • NEW!  TWO MINI-SESSIONS with two artist teachers (Artist and Dates to be announced);
  • Open studio times (Zoom and/or in Studio when COVID-19 restrictions will allow);
  • Kensington Art Supplies and Inglewood honours your 10% discount simply by stating that you are a member;
  • Access to other workshops;
  • Christmas gathering;
  • Information on upcoming exhibitions;
  • Field trips and Garden Visits (when COVID-19 restrictions will allow).

Exhibitions encourage members to share their work with the public. 

For events, please see the Events page.

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